Review Copies on Constant Offer!!!
To help acquire more reviews, I have decided to keep digital copies of all of my released books on constant offer through’s Review Copy program.
What is a Review Copy?
Simply put, Review Copies are digital copies of a book that are given freely to interested readers in exchange for the reader’s promise to leave a review upon completion of the book.
Readers only need to register for a free account on but beyond that they are not required to pay for any additional services or products. With their free StoryOrigin account, readers can apply to receive an author’s Review Copy of a book that has been listed by that author. The author has the option to accept or reject each applicant, usually based on the reader’s profile, so it is important for serious readers to take the time to make their profile as complete as possible before applying for any books.
When a reader applies to receive a Review Copy, the author is notified via email of the new application. If the author accepts the application, the applying reader is notified via email that their application has been accepted along with instructions on how to download their free Review Copy of the selected book based on the different formats available, typically a minimum of PDF, Kindle, and Nook supported formats.
From there, it is up to the reader to read the book at their discretion and to leave any reviews on the suggested websites based on that experience. Reviews can be done only through’s website that are only visible to the author or they can be linked to the reader’s profiles on sites like Amazon or GoodReads where their reviews are made public for that book. Of course, readers could also just leave reviews directly on the retail sites like Amazon without going through StoryOrigin’s interface but that would not be recommended.
Reviews linked to a reader’s StoryOrigin profile help to increase their stats which help authors determine which applicants to approve and which to deny. Profiles that show higher percentages of reviews left per application tend to have higher chances of being accepted while profiles that show a low completion rate are more likely to be denied. Authors are giving away copies of their books. They will want to give those copies to readers who are more likely to read them and leave reviews since that is the point of giving away Review Copies. It is literally in the name.
Some authors make their Review Copy offerings publicly accessible so that any reader with a StoryOrigin account can find them through a search and apply while other authors keep their offerings private. Private offerings can only be accessed by readers who have the specific link to that giveaway, usually provided directly from the author.
All of my books are publicly listed so anyone with an account on can find my books and apply for a free digital copy for the low, low cost of an honest review when you’re done. You can also go to my website, to learn more about how the Review Copy program works and to find direct links for each book currently available.
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